Friday, February 4, 2011

Randomness in pieces

A three week hiatus from writing. I was writing in my mind, some retained, some lost with the fog, mist and dust, the byzantine lanes of Jaipur, disappearing in the walls of the pink city, some clouded thoughts and emotions..some great feelings, some miseries (rather huzun or melancholy) as described by Orhan Pamuk in Istanbul Memories...I can feel it now..huzun...engulfed in a state in my own world..the day was rolled into one, like all the seven days happened in a day and it is all happening fast..again..left paths are waiting for me to tread on it...mind is showing me the way..and suddenly a twist of events..some peppy voices, some tired, some eager..some..old memories..when past comes back to your it was never your past..Mind oh mind, why do you create these thoughts? Why do you colour my happy being in this sangfroid state..indeed..without excitement, without joy or sadness...devoid of any intense emotion..I like huzun..soul drenched...with words overpowering me, talking to its own its the company of these words, I find solace, in this solitude, I find myself intense..

Randomness...indeed...its the state...a state that revolves ...stays with me, comes and goes these flashes of deep thoughts to provoke me to melancholy (my most favorite emotion)..sinking..I peace

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